For over twentyfive years, our group has provided pipes, fittings, valves, and flanges for various applications on worldwide market.
We are primarily specialized in the oil and gas industry, plumbing and heating sectors, and in special applications such as mechanical applications, thermal plants, conduit, and precision mechanics.
It is the high quality of our materials, supplied by the world’s leading manufacturers, that allows us to satisfy even the most demanding requirements of our extensive client base.
The unfailing speed and punctual delivery of our services, no matter the size of the quantity, in addition to our competitive pricing and the technical skills of our high-calibre employees, have always distinguished us from our competitors.
Our company profile is characterized by a continuous and constant program of growth and expansion in emerging markets.
However, maintaining and consolidating the internal market has always been the foundation of our business.
Storing the large quantities of our materials in various logistics centres enables us to efficiently meet the demands of our customers.